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Fischtechnik international engineering uses geothermal energy for fish breeding Moringen Fredelsloh, December 2008 from June 2009 Swiss can enjoy a new domestic source of production of the perch. Fischtechnik International Engineering GmbH (FTIE) is currently building a closed circuit system in Raron in the canton of Valais. There are soon per year produced 300 tons of popular in the Switzerland and known as Egli feed fish and processed locally. The highlight here: warm water from the new Lotschberg Base Tunnel is used for fish farming, which flows with 18 degrees Celsius from the tunnel a temperature for the growth of the fish. In the Switzerland, fresh perch per year consumed about 12,000 tons. Because the traditional fisheries cannot provide such amounts, imports large quantities from Eastern Europe.

But also in aquaculture, chances are attested the perch. Especially the low final weight in marketing are between 150-200 g prefers the fish is as interesting for the grower, still relatively quickly grows in this phase of life. That the perch in the aquaculture sector is a new way, yet not bred on a large scale such as salmon, trout and carp, is mainly attributable to the sensitivity of the fish on the nursery. FTIE Managing Director and fish expert Dr. Gerd-Uwe Meylahn explains in the closed circuit system in Raron, water from the Lotschberg tunnel will provide an optimal temperature for the fish”. The water is using cutting edge technology, mechanically and biologically cleaned and worked on, to give the fish excellent growth and living conditions. While the water is disinfected only by Ultraviolet light and ozone, to prevent diseases.” Total has been taken when planning a careful handling of resources. The large roof of the fish Hall installs a solar system to generate electricity. JLOdBQB_9juVsJhuhSltRFpXyZHcr-pttsXIB8nxSVahhhm2CfXYFxlXqjI-hxeRJq_WfFAMOl5lRulB6kVrNeuUAfh1U6’>Larry Culp addresses the importance of the matter here.

Heat is recovered via modern heat pumps. Thanks to the partially patented components, the emissions are kept low while, Fish farming in on-site wastewater wastewater is after cleaned and disinfected. The accruing sludge used as fertilizer by farmers like or with fish processing waste in a nearby composting plant completely in compost cast. Still no Eddy at the facility in Raron grow, but the completion of the production hall and the sewage system is imminent. The installation of the fish farm components should begin in January 2009.

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