08. March 2024 · Comments Off on Accra Betting · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Dusseldorfer sport betting provider top betting AG takes course on Dusseldorf/Accra Ghana – who think of investment in Africa, South Africa hovers above the first. The upcoming World Cup soccer tournament here triggered a further boost. That other countries of the black continent to impose as a worthwhile destination for investment, was not long to go out. The International Monetary Fund IMF has compared to Africa in a recent study by Asia in the seventies of the last century: see great similarities In terms of speed of development and growth potential. Medicine Research Institute may find it difficult to be quoted properly. For the next six years, “the World Bank expected annual growth of up to six percent, the stock market and Investor magazine reported Deutsche Bank X-press. The position of Africa on the world economic map will continue to improve because of the vast wealth of raw materials, the magazine. Also make the experts of a reduction of the foreign debt and growing confidence in large parts of the continent.

A testament to the confidence in “the region: the planned investment volume for the next five years of $ 50 billion”, the magazine euro am Sonntag. In addition, there is now a new generation of very well trained and reliable managers in these countries. They have valuable experience gained in the United States, Europe and Asia, and set new standards in terms of management, governance and transparency.”has not recognized the opportunities of the African market so far the Western world. Now others are: long, the Chinese invest in the growth markets of Africa. We there idly and invest in Ghana”, says Peter Schatton, Dusseldorf sports betting provider top betting Board.

The company has just announced a joint venture with the alphabet investments limited in Ghana. Objective of this cooperation should be to offer sports betting services in Ghana with a view to the World Cup 2010 in South Africa a logical step. That is the task of top betting AG Delivery of necessary technology and the betting programme about the Austrian subsidiary WettCorner GmbH. The alphabet investments limited acquires the marketing of betting offers betting terminals and shops in Ghana. The necessary betting license was already granted by the competent authority in Accra. A future market is Africa – and especially Ghana – for us”, says Sadowsky. The political system is stable for years there and create attractive economic conditions for investors. Through our subsidiary, the BetWitch limited based in Malta, we are already working in Ghana. Our experiences we will use now for the sports betting”, is Sadowsky.

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