19. March 2024 · Comments Off on Fulfill Company · Categories: News · Tags:

The adaptation to the LOPD and its later maintenance throughout the time provide an important tranquillity to us, besides a good image for our company If it is lent to the section of sanctions regulated in the LOPD, can be seen that the amount of the sanctions oscillates between the 600 and the 600,000 Euros. This can take to think, that since the minimum is 600 Euros, can be assumed the risk, and be paid the fine in case of being sanctioned. This supposes an accumulation of errors that can leave very expensive. research is currently assessing future choices. If it is sanctioned to us not to obey the law, besides paying the sanction to it, it is commited to us to adapt to us, but seriamos again sanctioned, but with more amount, since it would suppose an aggravating one. The sanctions are not excluding, but cumulative, so in case of not having anything realised, and supposing the most favorable case, than it is a level of initial datas, we could be found with the following post: not to register file 600 not to inform in collection 600 not to take care of the exercise of 600 rights not to have the safety measures 6000 Cession of 60000 data not regulated In the end the total amount of serious sanction 67,800 (Much money) Some real cases of breach of the LOPD and later sanction are: R/00360/2005 resolution RED RIVER PLASTIC S.Cv not to realise the inscription of files, not to have Document of Security, denounced by a worker dismissed of the own company: 6.600? Resolution R/00091/2005 OFIEXPERTS A.I.E. Shipment of Spam, denounced by a potential client who received 1 email nonasked for: 30.000? R/00247/2005 resolution TYRE VAL SL not to give information on the destiny of the asked for Personal Data in a budget, denounced by an unsatisfied client: 1.200 Its company could be allowed to pay this type of sanctions? A company fulfilling the LOPD supposes very little dedication of time and a totally asumible cost.

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