20. March 2024 · Comments Off on Kindergarten · Categories: News · Tags: ,

If we knew what was happening in the minds of our children, who reported "happy" news about the campaign in kindergarten. How to survive the separation from parents about how to get used to Sadovsky treatment as not to miss our home and loved ones toys. And in turn we are struggling with self-pity, the kid and the need to earn money. Unfortunately, a kindergarten – a tool without which it can not do without it, a normal working day is impossible. However, kindergarten – it is not only freedom for mom and dad. Roy Taylor. It is also invaluable for the child.

How to help adapt to the new world rodnulke? The most favorable age for kindergarten 2.5-2.8 and 3.3 years. For younger kids, the whole world And in 3 years' wait for a visit "well-known crisis three years. Stress for the baby and so ample, so you decide whether perenagruzhat child. With regard to time, in August or early September, the most favorable period. adults and children. Pre-select a garden for the baby, decide about six months before the visit. We need to find in any agencies of the situation most favorable for your crumbs.

Ask all your details: whether in the garden pool, a pediatrician, speech therapist, etc. After that you need to acquaint the child with a garden. Go to the "trip", walk close to telling him about the wonderful "house" in which kids play with each other. For several months before the "kindergarten-age" Meet with the tutor. You can stroll through the garden, asking for permission. Before you place a child in kindergarten, so plan your time so that the first few days you were able to pick up the baby after 2-3 hour stay in the garden. Since being in an unfamiliar environment a long time can cause stress. Suppose you "insure" my father and grandparents. The first days of kindergarten will surely accompanied by tears. The kid still does not understand why you, for no apparent reason, leaving it to the care of strangers. Scarce thinks this is punishment for some past "sins." However, do not stretch the period of separation, because you know that still have to go. If you ever give slabinku, and stay calm the child, the "tear-attack" would be applied with success in the future, and the tutor will be difficult to cope with a tantrum. Can the first couple to give the baby to kindergarten favorite toy. To ask, who hurt the toy who was a friend, do not miss if it works. So you learn about the feelings of the baby. By following these simple rules, you can help quickly crumbs adapt to new surroundings. He will get a lot of vivid impressions and positive emotions, attending kindergarten

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