15. April 2024 · Comments Off on Education · Categories: News · Tags: , , ,

What you mean by non-interference of the school learning? Means giving students the full freedom to avail themselves of education that meets their needs, and they want, only to the extent that they need and want; and this means not forcing them to learn what they do not need or want. I doubt if the type of school that I am discussing, will be common for another century. It is not likely that the schools based on freedom of choice of the students will be established even in 100 years more. Leo Tolstoy, education and culture, 1862 where should I look to improve the classroom instruction? For many the answer is obvious: Finland. Country which is located at the top of the academic performance on international tests taken both by the World Bank and by the OECD and which annually increases its advantage above the countries that follow him in the ranking. This is the place that all observed in his quest to improve the schools. For this reason, many Governments are looking for elements of the Finnish instruction system that can replicate in their respective realities. The problem is that, in many cases, this is not possible.

It is not due to a missing will, it is certain that many politicians and teachers holders of establishments if they could implement similar policies would make it but as usually happens, everything boils down to a matter of money. Finland obtains very good results with spending per pupil less than the incurred by Switzerland, United States or Austria. But at the same time, this resembles the expense of Germany, England, France, Japan and Sweden. This nearly triples to Nations with middle-income as Argentina, Chile and Hungary. Not to mention the gap with the countries poorest of the world. Finnish schooling meets goals which is imposed, that is clear, but largely depends on investment that performs in instruction.

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