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Thus, the objective of building ip is not achieved, and the responsible persons not in a hurry to correct the situation. This situation is completely objective, and hence there are ways change it for the benefit of the firm. Solutions in the world practice for quite some time found and used an effective solution of the above problems. Rani, then click here. It consists in bringing an independent observer in the form of consulting company that would participated in the project. The main purpose of such a company is to ensure project success. This refers to the objectives of the project by the deadline with the required quality by planned resources (human, financial, etc.). Interesting is the fact that the methodology for the creation of ip is borrowed from Western sources, and it in turn have a role of external controls companies, but domestic companies neglect this.

Although it is – one of the main guarantors of the quality of the project, ie build ip. In order to guarantee the success of the company and help the provider to introduce ip consultants acomIT developed a program of it consulting – Auditing it project. Audit of the project involves the participation of consultants at all stages of the project, from planning and ending with the introduction of ip in use. The main tasks of our Consultants: Preparation of the company to the project (diagnosis, implementation methodology, project management, the formation of a working group of the project and a center of competence, assessment of costs and effectiveness of ip, reducing the total cost of ownership for future ip development purposes of designing, implementing EC); project planning (defined ways to achieve the project objectives, methods and means for implementation of the project, linking the resources needed to project implementation and coordination of activities of organizations of the project participants, the development of project documentation); project management (initiation – identifying the need to implement the project planning phases, stages and works project, the allocation of rights and responsibilities of project participants); identifying and solving problems arising in the course of the project (monitoring changes in the requirements to the results of work to determine the effect of changes on the scope of the project, changing the project scope, rescheduling, the definition of possible solutions without changing the project scope, the causes of problems); verification of project results (confirmation the form and content of the results of the requirements, organization analysis, adoption and approval of project results); methodological support (training of project participants, the development of techniques standards of build processes, implement, operate IP).

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